Dear Papa, I am sitting here staring at the door. Hoping with every hope in me that you will come walking through. I dream of you and hope that Christmas in heaven was the best you ever had. I pray that you have reunited with all your friends. I pray that you found Glen. I am rejoicing you are no longer hurting. I see you hunting, jeeping, camping, running, driving stick all those things you wanted to do, but hurt. The snow is light and fluffy the kind that is perfect for sledding and playing in. Your eyes must be the sharpest they have ever been. So look out your window and see the snow falling on the streets of gold. Look down and see your grandson playing taps at your funeral sounding strong to the final note. See all the people that came who love you. Did you see your jeeping buddies there? Look down and see your son acting just like you taking care of all of us, He's fixing things and helping out. I know he loves you so very ...
Country, Jesus, Family, Dreams, Adventure!