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We Pray

       Let me begin with I am not usually nor am I really now, a political person. However, today is election day and for what seems like forever all you hear is the horrors of the presidential election. At dinner parties, random people at the bus stop. social events, other important people make slights about it in their speeches. Not to mention the number of posts, articles, memes, GIFS and who knows what else that has invaded our social media.
     I know that I have been asked what my opinions are or if I am voting (by the way I am only 17) and I don't know how to answer them. I have probably followed this election more so because I can vote next year and because this one is hard not to follow. I didn't watch any debates, I don't even know if I read any of their campaigns. But none of these are the reasons I felt prompted to do this blog. I felt prompted to do this blog because of what I am seeing in our world and the last couple of sermons given at my church.
  What I see in the world is hate, anger and immense sin. None of this is new our world was filled with sin the moment Eve ate the apple. However, it hurts me to see God's people throwing insults at each other and tearing the other person down. When I think of everything he must see and how sad and hurt he must feel it makes me want to cry.
  God has given us a beautiful and perfect world to enjoy and love. Yet so many of us only choose to see the darkness. In light of our election yes I am sure Mr. Trump and Mrs. Clinton have made many mistakes over their lifetime, but so have I. If all of my friends could read about all of my mistakes in magazines or in the news what kind of person would I look like to them? Now, I am not running for leader of our country either and I realize it is somewhat different. But as I watch these two candidates yell at each other and act like they are the two most popular kids in high school. I have to stop and think.
  The Bible tells me that no sin is greater than the other. James 2.10 -11 and Romans 3.23 says we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. I am not even really sure what I am trying to say in this post, but what I do know is that we are to love one another as Christ loves us. John 15.12. What would happen if we all made this our goal? What if we all started loving one another like my Lord, Savior and Almighty Father loves me?
 I am not trying to make it seem like our country isn't falling apart we are in some sad darkness, but so were God's people in the Bible and we are God's people. God's love works the same way now as it did back then. So let's pray for God's love to reign in the hearts of his people. That the words of mouth be bettering of one another Ephesians 4.29.
  My final thought is this, next month we celebrate the greatest gift ever given. Christ's birth to save us all. Don't let this election rob you of the JOY of the season. The JOY of Christ's love for us. Pray for one another, Love one another, confess our sins before the Lord and let him bring this nation back.

This is a link to a song that has been
echoing in my head hope you enjoy


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