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This Is My Father's World

    It really is, this is my Father's world. He created it for me and gave me the privilege to live in it.  I don't know where all of you live, but where I do, I am blessed with four beautiful seasons. I get all giddy talking about where I live, I love it THAT much!

   In the winter often times we get a glorious blanket of snow over our mountain tops and fields. My mom calls the crystallized snow, diamonds and that is the perfect description of what it looks like. Though the snow sometimes poses problems for traveling and morning commutes, it also brings out the kid in all of us.  There are snow angels that must be made, snowmen to build, a thousand hills to sled and gallons of hot chocolate to drink.

  God does a beautiful job with the snow. He knows how happy it makes this little girl and I am pretty sure he would do it, if I was the only one it made happy, because he loves me that much. Winter is a sparkling time of year.

 As winter melts away and we get through our fifth season out here... mud season. Spring slowly works on showing it's face. Spring out here is just as pretty. Flowers bloom and the fields green up almost over night it seems. Not long after a few good days of sunshine, the sound of lawn mowers start up. People emerge outside for bike rides, hikes, and yard work.

  Spring is a gorgous season, but also drives me insane, because I long for summer and adventuring. Yet I still have to get my mind to focus on the school work I have to complete and the other duties I am required to accomplish. This is also the season where I often am surprised with special gifts of flowers on my desk or in my room. Now it is not what you think. I have a very sweet brother, who has a giving heart and loves making me smile with vibrant blossoms, 

 God's beauty is so shocking at times. The intricate detail of each petal, branch, and blade of grass is unique and perfect. I have recently got into photography. I love that I get to experience God's beauty is new and fun way.

 Not long after I have been longing for summer and the joys that it brings. Summer does come and I get to enjoy the beauty in the heat. We get some pretty hot summers here and you get to see the fields being worked and harvested it makes you smile and proud to live in the country. 

If you haven't figured it out from the last two pictures, I really enjoy taking pictures of barns. Lucky for me where I live it is easy for me to take pictures of multiple barns. I also love the designs and patterns the fields make when you stand back and look at them. It is like the spring and summer sun light up the beauty of my world even more. 

Well, sooner than some might wish. Talk of school books, sports practices, and squeezing in that one last adventure begin. Yep, fall comes, Fall is one of my favorite seasons, Actually, September - December are my absolute favorite time of year. 

 The leaves on the trees start falling, the air gets crisp and I start digging for my hoodies and sweaters. It is like God grabs a paint brush and fills the world with a whole new set of colors to enjoy.

 I thought I had some better fall pictures, but if I do I can't find them. However, hopefully from these you can get a good sense of what my world sort of looks like in the fall. 

 God's beauty is everywhere, in every season. It holds a unique beauty and the amazing part is the world looks different wherever you live. So send me pictures of what your world looks like. It would be cool to see God's handi-work all over. 


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