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Three Little Treasures

This summer I have had the fun of babysitting three sweet kids, that I hsve been watching for a few years now. It was one of my first real jobs and it is so cool to see how the kid's and I's relationship has formed. I get so excited to come see them and hear what they have been up to.
They tell me about their camping trip, or how Silverwood went and tell for the 100th time what grade they are going into because I forgot.....again. We have had lots of adventures this summer like scavenger hunts (the picture below is of the scavenger hunt), baked sugar cookies, colored, made clay paper weights, q-tip painting, hand print wreathes, face painting, built forts, and so many other things I have lost track of.
I love it when the come up with their own game. It reminds me of playing with my brother and the things we would do. This summer the game they came up with has been an animal hospital. They created a entire hospital in the garage with beds and cages, then got all of their stuffed animals out, hooked trailers to their bikes and saved the animals. It was pretty fun to watch their creativeness soar.
  Izzy is the oldest and my helper in anything I need. She knows how everything goes and is my go to when I don't know what goes where or how one of her siblings like something.
Austyn is my color buddy, they all love to color, but I think her and I do it the most. She also teaches herself on how to do the pictures I draw, by holding it up to the window and tracing it.
Parker, my pancake eating monster, his favorite breakfast especially if there are chocolate chips involved. He also is pretty much always smiling and up for whatever crazy idea I come up with.
Over all the point of this blog post was to show how awesome these kids I get to watch are and the coolest part is we still have about a month before school starts,  so excuse me while I go come up with an adventure.


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