Hey, so the first question asked on my Facebook Q&A was what my perfect day would be. I am really excited to do this post. Please bear with this crazy girls thoughts.
My perfect day would start with a morning where I didn't have to get up early. I enjoy getting up during the week for school and work. However, since this is MY perfect day I am sleeping in. By sleeping in I am thinking like 8 am or 9 am. I still want to go do things on my perfect day. Although, the more I am thinking, the more I am leaning towards 8 am. My reasoning being, if I get up at eight, I can have a laid back morning, shower and get ready for my perfect day. Alright, so that crazy train of thought being said. I would have my morning, sip coffee in bed. catch up on social media, maybe read a little bit and then get ready for my day.
Lazy Morning!
After preparing myself for the day, it would be fun to go find either a cute, small cafe for breakfast or perhaps a small town diner. A place where people come every day, know the owner, read the paper, and live their lives. If I end up at a cafe, I am getting a pastry like a Boston creme pie donut or a cherry turnover with a mocha. If I end up at a diner, something like waffles, sausage with a cup of coffee and a glass of Orange Juice.
Yes, I know this isn't the pastry I described, but it was good.
Next, depending on what life I am living at the time of this perfect day. I would either want to go on a horseback ride or go explore some local shops. I feel like I should be clear here and say this perfect day is happening with either my family. close friends or a combination. If we go horseback riding pack a lunch that will work in a saddle bag and if we go shopping. Go to a store get stuff for an elegant picnic and eat it in a local park by the water (ex. Lake Couer de Alene).
Horseback riding
After a day of adventuring and exploring with people I love I would wind down with pizza, junk food, and a movie marathon. Mainly, if I am spending time making memories with people I care about it is a perfect day. There are several variations of my perfect day, but this is one.
I hope you enjoyed this post. If you have a topic or question you would like me to do a post on a comment here or on my Facebook page and I will get to it as soon as I can. Thanks for supporting my writing passion.