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A Girl And Her Imaginary Lands

        Ever since I can remember I would make my life into a story. Most of the time it had to do with whatever the latest craze was with me. After I saw the "Princess Diaries" I pretended as if I was a Princess. When I watched "The Sound of Music" I ran around my grandparents living room dressed in one of my grandma's dresses she had given me for dress up, her black sun hat, pumps that were several sizes too big for me, and carrying one of their suitcase, singing "I Have Confidence in Me." One night while spending the weekend with Grandma and Papa H, we watched a Hallmark movie. It was about a young girl in the foster care system, who had two impressionable homes and her art kit. I being the fun-loving girl I was adored the movie. That Christmas my Grandparents got me an art kit so I could be like her. I still use that art kit today. I did this song and dance for about every movie and TV show, book and story. I saw and heard. My grandmother spent many hours creating outfits and costumes to fit each new identity.
         My fascination with becoming these characters did not end with the outfits. My whole world changed. There was a time where my mother got assignments from a different person everyday. I would imagine my activities as if they were something my current character would do. This also got me into a lot of trouble. See I so immersed in my little fantasy, trying to live in the fantasy world while being in reality. My little brain didn't always handle such transitions in the most respectful or politest of manners.
          To a degree I still am like my childhood self. I still turn my world into make believe. I pretend I am a celebrity dancer or that I am a professional business woman. My current fascination is European style or medieval life style. The other evening we were watching a show on this Scottish couple who owned a Estate with a castle. I was "ooooing" and "awwwing" over their lifestyle and such. My mom made the comment "I don't know why you are so impressed. It's just like Latah." We both laughed. However, the more I thought the more I realized that she was right. There are a lot of similarities between their life and mine. My mother has also taught me many housekeeping skills that make me more apart of this culture I enjoy.
          Because of all these little stories I have impersonated and created myself they are all apart of me. Because of musicals I sing all the time. My mom has taught me how to do household chores like cleaning bathrooms, doing dishes, the importance of tidying my things and making my bed in the mornings. She also made it seem as if an honor of womanhood than a task that must be done. I didn't always appreciate the useful skills she taught me. But my mother in her brilliance used shows I loved like Little House on the Prairie and Anne of Green Gables to help spark my enthusiasm.
      Now I think I like housecleaning more than mom does. Fridays for us have included James and Mom going for a hike after school and while they are hiking I do the weekly house cleaning. Then in the evenings after Dad gets home from work we have been having a "fun" dinner and movie. This makes me think of another one of my imaginary worlds.
       For a time I was obsessed with Food Network. I watched a million shows and then would talk to my imaginary audience when I cooked. When I was at Grandma's I would make her sit and watch me. Thank you Grandma for your overwhelming amount of patience. Because of this love I now enjoy doing the meal planning for our home and creating the grocery list. In the mornings Mom and I get breakfast ready together.
     I know all of these skills will benefit me later in life and I get very reflective and longing for these times to come back to me. I love my make believe worlds and the crazy, silly, girlish things I did while I was in them. Where I live and who I am surrounded by have been such a blessing. Because of what and who they are I was encouraged and nurtured in my fun. I am very grateful to have these memories and experiences. They have made me who I am.


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