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A Quick Update and Some New Years Encouragement

Kamola looks great in the
Guys! I haven't done a blog post in so long. Partly due to the craziness of college life, as fall quarter was insanely busy and partly due to my laptop acting out last quarter. Anyway, now I am back and on a working computer.
Happy New Year everyone! Hope the holidays were spent with loved ones and were a restful time for all. I really enjoyed being home for a few weeks. My family and I had a lovely Christmas spending time together and focusing on what really matters. For me it was a time to reflect on how blessed I am and what God is doing in my life.
Fall quarter was extremely busy. I took sixteen credits and was apart of a production of The Nutcracker.  Through that experience I learned not only technical dance skills, but also that bullies can still exist, even in adults. Working with difficult people is sometimes just apart of life. Overall the good that accompanied that show out weighed the bad and I am thankful for the experience.
I ended up getting on honor roll for fall quarter, even with taking a math class! Hard work does pay off and being willing to try until you get it right is a life skill. Hmm....all that stuff our parents told us as kids was right. Who knew?
A  pretty view from our Christmas
road trip
 Coming off fall quarter and into break, I thought God was opening up some specific doors in my life. So I walked into I flung myself at them. Only to learn that it wasn't the right door. Sometimes God says "No" and that's okay. A lesson that I am still struggling with, especially when it was something I really wanted.  However, God's word promises us that He knows the desires of our hearts and all things work together for His good. So who am I to plan anything? I am just suppose to continually seek His will and be listening for His voice.
 Winter break was over WAY too soon and before I knew it I was back at Central. I chose this quarter to be the quarter I finally audition for a main stage production in the theatre department. It was a valuable experience with disappointing results. However, had I been offered a part in one of the shows. I would not have been able to audition and get accepted in a tap number that will perform with CWU Orchesis Dance Company in April. I am beyond excited to explore this opportunity and better my tap skills.
In addition to being in the dance piece, classes are going well. I am really enjoying my Anthropology and World Religions courses. I am also working wardrobe for a production in the theatre department that will be produced late February? Early March? Then I am doing a sound lab, where I help with the sound equipment and I am taking Modern and Tap in the dance department. Whew! Doesn't feel like that much until I write it all out. 
Here is a happy picture of my doggo
One of the personal goals I am working on is being more positive. Life is hard, rough things happen, we don't get to choose whether they happen or not, we can choose how we respond to them. Trying to focus on what's going right in my life, makes for a happier me. This, and focusing on daily devotions more. I will admit daily devotions, I have been really bad at being consistent. However, this year I made it one of my resolutions. Confession time, I am terrible at keeping those for more than a week too. However, it's January 25th and I am up to date with reading the Bible in a year challenge. I have also started drinking more water, going to the gym three days a week, and eating less junk food. Things that are harder to keep up in college, but I am loving it.
Anyway, I wanted to give a quick life update and share some encouragement for the new year.  Hope you are all doing well and now that I have reliable tech, I hope to be going back to my monthly posting. Thanks to all who take the time to read these rambling thoughts.


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