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Showing posts from February, 2017

Glimpse into the Mind of a Blogger #3 "Free Time"

When I saw this question roll in I had to laugh, "How do you send your free time?" Between school work, graduation work, college work, life work, and extra curricular stuff my time becomes anything, but free. However, I have had sometime the last couple of weekends to lay back and breath. So hopefully, this post will help you get an idea of what I like to do.  Probably my favorite thing to do is READ. I have loved reading for as long as I can remember. I used to go to the library and choose a book based off of how big it was. I also tried to read "Gone With the Wind." For my 8th grade spring break book report. It was a failed attempt, however I did a report on a book about Paul Revere's daughter and loved it. As far a book genres go I am a sucker for the classics and have a list that I want to acquire for my constantly growing library. Some favorites authors are Lousia May Alcott, Emily or Charlotte Bronte, Shakespeare, Charles Dickens and so many others tha...

Travel Blog: Erika Hits San Francisco

This last week I had the pleasure of visiting my great-aunt in the town of Ross. Ross is a beautiful town located in Marin County by San Anselmo, about an hour from San Francisco. Last Thursday, I got up early and flew out of Spokane International Airport at 8:45 am. It was a beautiful flight over to Seattle. The sun lite up the mountains making the snow sparkle. It was enjoyable to drink coffee, read and enjoy the view. Flight from Spokane to Seatac   Bad picture but this guy was playing music while  I had lunch  in Seatac and he was amazing Travel Notebook my mom got me for my adventures this year.  I had a one hour delay in Seatac, but I didn't care. It gave me time to adventure. I went to the food court, got lunch, and listened to a fabulous musician.  The sun was shining in the windows, everyone around was chipper and I was happy, carefree and on an adventure.  Before long I had to get back to my gate and prepare to board aga...

Love Notes

 As another Valentine's Day comes to a close, it could be easy to slip into a pity party for yourself about being single, or not getting a Valentine or get wrapped up in the commercialism of this holiday. Now, this is not going to be a post about waiting for the right guy and it is not going to be a post about running closer to God. While all it is true God has a plan for your life including a perfect soul mate that you and I will find in his perfect timing.  It is also true that Valentine's day can be more than a romantically affiliated holiday. It can be about the LOVE in it's truest, purest sense of the word.    There is so much hate, anger, violence, and evilness out in our world today. You see it when you turn on the TV, it's in the trending section of every online source, constant posts are being uploaded to facebook by the hour. Not to mention the hateful, mean words that fly from our lips in the burst of anger or out of pride, jealousy, and selfishness. With ...

Glimpse into a Mind of a Blogger #2 "The Perfect Day"

 Hey, so the first question asked on my Facebook Q&A was what my perfect day would be. I am really excited to do this post. Please bear with this crazy girls thoughts.  My perfect day would start with a morning where I didn't have to get up early. I enjoy getting up during the week for school and work. However, since this is MY perfect day I am sleeping in. By sleeping in I am thinking like 8 am or 9 am. I still want to go do things on my perfect day. Although, the more I am thinking, the more I am leaning towards 8 am. My reasoning being, if I get up at eight, I can have a laid back morning, shower and get ready for my perfect day. Alright, so that crazy train of thought being said. I would have my morning, sip coffee in bed. catch up on social media, maybe read a little bit and then get ready for my day. Lazy Morning!    After preparing myself for the day, it would be fun to go find either a cute, small cafe for breakfast or perhaps a small tow...