When I saw this question roll in I had to laugh, "How do you send your free time?" Between school work, graduation work, college work, life work, and extra curricular stuff my time becomes anything, but free. However, I have had sometime the last couple of weekends to lay back and breath. So hopefully, this post will help you get an idea of what I like to do. Probably my favorite thing to do is READ. I have loved reading for as long as I can remember. I used to go to the library and choose a book based off of how big it was. I also tried to read "Gone With the Wind." For my 8th grade spring break book report. It was a failed attempt, however I did a report on a book about Paul Revere's daughter and loved it. As far a book genres go I am a sucker for the classics and have a list that I want to acquire for my constantly growing library. Some favorites authors are Lousia May Alcott, Emily or Charlotte Bronte, Shakespeare, Charles Dickens and so many others tha...
Country, Jesus, Family, Dreams, Adventure!