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Showing posts from 2017

Living The Dream

In an attempt to be more focused on the positive and not dragged down by petty annoyances of life.  I give you this picture. A cluttered desk full of assignments, to-do lists, deadlines, and requirements. At first glance, it would be easy to say, "Man, what a busy, chaotic life." Honestly, when I looked at it I felt overwhelmed. I knew what I needed to accomplish a synthesis paper, a grammar quiz, a theatre quiz, textbook notes, class scheduling, job searching, and a stack of reading material. I felt overwhelmed. The homework doesn't bother me so much, for the most part, I enjoy studying, taking notes and learning. It was the "what if's" that were messing with my head. What if   I can't get a job for next quarter, What if I can't get into the classes I need, What if that requirement falls through, What if I waste my life. Now that last one was a bit dramatic, but you get the idea. Then I go from the What if's floating in my head to the minor ...
Barge Hall the oldest building on Campus Happy Fall Y'all! I am missing my beautiful little town in Latah this season, but I gotta say my first fall on campus has been stunning. I will never get over how amazing fall colors look against the brick. We have been blessed with amazing, crisp, clear days. It makes walking to classes an absolute joy. It's hard to believe where the time has gone. I have been here over a month, mid-terms have come and gone, and Thanksgiving break is only a few short weeks away. In all of this hustle and bustle, it is easy to get caught up in the next to-do list. What homework needs to be done or what chores need to be finished. Did I talk with that advisor? When is that meeting again? It's life we all have our schedules. I am trying hard to make it a point to stop and thank God for what He is doing in my life...right now. Because He is and has done a LOT. I have a tendency to go to Him when I need or want something, not always in the little t...

Erika the College Years

Hey Everyone! This girl has successfully survived her first week of college. It was not without gallons of coffee, a million phone calls home, a multitude of prayers and amazing support from a few new friends. So far I have enjoyed college life so far, there is a sense of "Oh my goodness I am grown up independent person!" Followed by "What do you mean I have to do all this myself?" The first day moved into college  However, I must say I like doing my little rituals like getting the coffee ready before I go to bed and making everything organized for the next day. I enjoy tidying my little corner of the world and making food for myself. Drinking tea and having a bit of chocolate in the afternoons when I get done with class. Habits I have picked up from my parents and I love to think that I am a miniature version of the wonderful people they are.  I moved to Central Washington University on Friday. Then the weekend was spent with a variety of welcome events to ge...

Summer Update: College Preparation, Silverwood, and Sunshine!

A Family photo on our  Marble Creek trip This summer has been amazing. Full of new adventures such as my first solo road trip to Ellensburg. Time with friends before we take off on to new adventures. Camping trips with the family, Skyfest at Fairchild Air force Base. Tons of reading and just enjoying summer.  The pictures got out of order and I am not sure how to fix it so here we go. Our family has enjoyed a couple chances to get out and go camping this summer. We did one back in June to Marble Creek. It was after a week of VBA (Vacation Bible Adventures) a few of us were pretty tired, but I don't think we are ever too tired to go camping. We went exploring up a short trail that went to, played in the river and went for a drive on some of the back roads. It was really nice to spend some time altogether. Mom and James even worked in some hiking into the end of the trip. Family gathered around reading Patrick McManus Stories  Tired after a week of VBA ...

Meet Riley!

 Hey, so you remember all those posts I did in July? Yeah, me either....I am sorry guys. Summer has been great! Full of adventures and fun. We had our VBS, celebrated the 4th, I had my college orientation (a hopeful future post), we went camping, and enjoyed many days outside in the sunshine. Along with all these fun summer activities, there has been an addition to our family.     Everyone, meet Riley! A fun-loving, three-year-old, German Sheppard. She came to us through Spokanimal, but she is originally from LA. There, she was found on the streets and had just had puppies. We don't know what happened to the puppies but are thrilled to have her in our family. Riley loves grass absolutely loves it. She rolls around in it all the time and wants to be outside as much as she can. So far, she has loved everyone she has ever been around. The first day we got her we had our VBS team and a couple guys came over and she loved them. Last week we had twenty band kids over for a c...

The One Where I Graduate

Hey, Everyone! This girl did the thing, she got her diploma. Not without the help of some dear people. My teachers are incredible through the last few years at the co-op I have worked with me and taught me so many valuable and cherished lessons.  I have been blessed with a loving and hard-working Mother who has spent countless hours preparing and teaching lessons. She has spent time discussing, researching and praying over the best direction she needed to take with my education. My parents have encouraged me through any adventure I chose to embark on. They never let me believe I couldn't achieve whatever I set out to do. They taught me that hard work would always be rewarding, to always do best, and by example, they taught me to put others first and give when I can.  My brother James is truly the best brother in the world. He is my sidekick in life and we have had countless adventures together. He has shown me to accept whatever happens and be happy at the moment. He has taug...

The Whirlwinds of May

 May has been an incredibly busy month. I feel like it has just begun and here we are looking at Memorial Day weekend. I have felt so many blessings this month. Once again, I am astounded by how big of a support team I have. I am blessed with several close friends who cheer me on every step of the way with meaningful messages, phone calls at just the right moment, shopping days and coming and supporting me at my performances. My Mom and I after Tekoa;s show My graduating class (plus photobomber)  May started with my Senior Dance recital. Pirouette Dance Academy performed Peter Pan and it was a huge success. I worked through some personal challenges (hurt feet, nothing serious) and I had friends at family at both shows. St. Maries was the first one and both my parents game along with my Grandmother, her friend and two very sweet friends from band and co-op. Tekoa's show went amazingly well and it was bittersweet as I danced with Pirouette for the last time. My Aunt and...

Things I Know and Do Because of My Incredible Mother!

Happy Mother's Day everyone! I hope you are doing special for your mom, whether you call her, spend the day with her, treat her with a small trinket of your affection or simply tell her how much she means to you. No matter how you chose to celebrate Mother's Day let her know she is special and you appreciate everything she has done for you.  I would give the argument that I have the best Mother in the world, but that would start a riot with many of you disagreeing with me, including my mom who would tell me she had the best mother. The truth is many of us would say we got the best Mom. In my case, of course, it's true :) My mom does so much for me big and small. If it wasn't for her I wouldn't be here writing this blog. She took on my education and has never given up on me. She loved me when I was unlovable, she has been an excellent role model every day of my life. My mom has never let me think a dream was out of reach. She has always let me become my own person. ...

The One Where I go to Prom...

 Huge weekend, everyone! I had the first of my last dance recitals and then I left immediately for Senior Prom. With my best friend since childhood. How did this homeschooled girl get so lucky as to go to a Senior Prom? Well, it starts with having an amazing guy. I have no idea what is with my face in this picture  When I was three years old we became friends with this amazing family. They had a son my age and we became close friends. We even did kindergarten together, we go camping every summer with them, we did band together and we took some senior pictures together. We keep in contact and hang out, but not as much as we used too, due to the changing seasons in each of ours lives and the busyness of being Seniors.  About a month ago, when I got back from Oklahoma. I came back from dance one night and Mom said I needed to call Brandon. I figured it had something to do with graduation and coordinating getting together or something along that line. So, I called ...

Walking on Sunshine

 Here is a quick little post simply because it's finally SUNNY and 79 degrees. Co-op classes were canceled today because of absences so sun day here we come. Mom and I decided to go for a hike up Tekoa mountain this morning because it was beautiful and why not when you live in the prettiest place on earth. Anyway, I thought it would be fun to do a short post on ten things Erika has enjoyed about the sun and having a morning to relax. 1. Time with my mom where we weren't discussing schedules Enjoy this picture of me and my mom. I love her so much!!!!! 2. Coffee on a mountain in the sunshine 3. Laying in the sun and letting it hit my face 4. Taking a long shower and not worrying about a to-do list 5. Having an impromptu dance session while getting dressed 6. Wearing a tank top and sandals 7. Rolling down the windows on the truck and driving on dirt roads 8. Smoothies in the sunshine (are you seeing a theme?)  9. Spending time praising my Savior for remindi...

Travel Adventures: Oklahoma! And the Scoop on How I Became Friends With The Girl Who Brought Me There.

 Spring break is a wonderful time, warm weather, shenanigans, and time with friends. You hear the word spring break and you think Florida, California, the beach? But this girl headed to Oklahoma, why you ask? Because the most amazing girl lives there, for the fun of this blog her name is Honey Lemon. We had a wonderful week of adventure and laughter.  Honey Lemon and I met our Sophomore year of high school. I was the new, shy girl at NSHSC Co-op. I knew a few people from my band that went there, but they had not arrived yet. I sat in the corner of the lunch room watching the few early bird milled about organizing for the co-op day. This slender, beautiful girl with long blonde hair, striking blue eyes and a kind. friendly smile came over and introduced herself to me. She was bubbly and seemed like the sweetest, nicest girl alive. Turned out she was. However, shy Erika barely muttered full sentenced replies back. I felt like an idiot and later I l...