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More to Love

Hey world, we made it to February! Now all we can see is hearts, red, and signs that say Love.  Being in a world that pushes what your relationship status is on social media and sleepovers where you get asked who your crush is? You most defiantly could feel alone on Valentine's Day. If you are one of those people who feel this way, you are right there with were I was.  You hear a variety of love songs, break-up songs,  TV shows, movies, and all sorts of propaganda that can give you a twisted view of what love should be and what you should be.

   I will admit I have fallen into this trap and let the filter be put on my world so all I could see was what my life wasn't and my focus wasn't where is needed to be. I felt sorry for myself and wondered what was wrong with me. I complained to my friends and to my family. They all gave the same advice. "You are only 16, you have plenty of time." "God has a plan for you trust him." This can all just go into the folder in your brain that says "Yeah, yeah I know that." However, when you stop, think, and listen, there is a voice that can and will ROCK your world.
   When you focus on him and put away the pop songs that aren't the truth. (the aren't bad I love my pop songs as much as the next teen.) Read what God has to say about love, and immerse yourself with friends who have the same views, morals, and desires that you have. Your perspective can't help, but be changed.  Because now the one who created you and calls you his beloved has removed the filter in which you have been seeing the world and shown you what he sees.
   He shows you that he has created this time in your life no matter what it is for a purpose. 1 Corinthians 13 is called the Love Chapter. It truly is and as my blogger friend  says "You could write about it for months." She is right there is so much packed into this one chapter. Therefore I have chosen to start at the beginning with the first paragraph.

   The very first question I ask myself after reading it is Do I do my everyday work with love? I may think I do or I may think that I am doing what God has told me to do. Yet, am I secretly, deep down wanting something out of it? Am I expecting a pat on the back or a good girl after every act? If I say yes to these things then I am not truly being selfless in my actions. I am praising myself up, I am doing it to make me feel good or better about myself.  I am not doing it to serve my Savior and my King. This should be my first goal, what I ultimately want.
    I could have strong faith, help tons of people, give nice compliments, do the "right" thing, and so much more, However, if I do these things and there is no love backing them up. How do they come across? My faith would be missing a crucial part, my love for my savior would not exist, the help I give others would be cold because my love and compassion, the drive I have to help others would be nothing. The compliments for others would be empty as well. If love isn't my drive for this, it begs the question What is my drive? For me it probably would be self esteem, something to make me feel better about myself. This is why I love verses 1-3. With no love backing up my actions and attitude. I am nothing. Let me restate that without GOD"S love in me I am nothing and if I don't have God's love inside me. I am pretty sure my desire to love would be less, if not non-existent.

I guess what I am trying to say is, there is so much more love out there than the commercial stuff we see on television, social media, pop songs and anywhere else it might choose to invade our lives. The truth for me is, I have given the King of Heaven the key to my heart.......and he is not going to loose it.


  1. I really love your concluding paragraph. You are so right, and I think we all forget sometimes.


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