JOY has been on my mind lately. I don't really know why, but I often find that this is the main emotion I am missing from my daily mood. I have a tendency to focus on what needs to be done that day or what didn't go the way I thought it should go and so on. My biggest problem is probably trying to control other people. I want them to be happy and if they aren't happy or upbeat I take it upon myself to make their day better. This in and of itself is not wrong, however I can not control other people's emotions or their life's. I can't force someone to be happy. Yet, I always find myself stressed out because I am so focused on making them happier. I do it with my family, friends, people I meet, teachers, pretty much everyone. Truth is in some of these situations I am not even the problem. It took me a while (and I am still learning) that just because someone is upset, doesn't mean I am the reason. Through much prayer and study I realized how selfish it really ...
Country, Jesus, Family, Dreams, Adventure!