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Showing posts from January, 2016

Today I Choose JOY!!!

JOY has been on my mind lately. I don't really know why, but I often find that this is the main emotion I am  missing from my daily mood. I have a tendency to focus on what needs to be done that day or what didn't go the way I thought it should go and so on. My biggest problem is probably trying to control other people. I want them to be happy and if they aren't happy or upbeat I take it upon myself to make their day better. This in and of itself is not wrong, however I can not control other people's emotions or their life's. I can't force someone to be happy. Yet, I always find myself stressed out because I am so focused on making them happier. I do it with my family, friends, people I meet, teachers, pretty much everyone. Truth is in some of these situations I am not even the problem. It took me a while (and I am still learning) that just because someone is upset, doesn't mean I am the reason. Through much prayer and study I realized how selfish it really ...

A Girl And Her Imaginary Lands

        Ever since I can remember I would make my life into a story. Most of the time it had to do with whatever the latest craze was with me. After I saw the "Princess Diaries" I pretended as if I was a Princess. When I watched "The Sound of Music" I ran around my grandparents living room dressed in one of my grandma's dresses she had given me for dress up, her black sun hat, pumps that were several sizes too big for me, and carrying one of their suitcase, singing "I Have Confidence in Me." One night while spending the weekend with Grandma and Papa H, we watched a Hallmark movie. It was about a young girl in the foster care system, who had two impressionable homes and her art kit. I being the fun-loving girl I was adored the movie. That Christmas my Grandparents got me an art kit so I could be like her. I still use that art kit today. I did this song and dance for about every movie and TV show, book and story. I saw and heard. My grandmother spent man...

My Winter Wonderland

      I wanted to share some of these beautiful pictures I took for our town. One of my neighbors asked me back before Christmas if I would take some pictures of the frost and fresh snow. It was truly gorgeous out and it was a lovely stroll with the camera. Photography is becoming one of my favorite mini-hobbies. I love taking snap shots of the majestic art work of our creator.                                                I have a weird obsession of taking pictures                                         of street signs. This one is at the bottom of my block                                        and is a particular favorite to photograph all times of...

Erika's New Year Resolutions

It's the new year so that means I am going to be spending the next couple of weeks trying to turn all my 5's into 6's. The new year also comes with everyone making resolutions and I am not an exception. However, looking back on the ones I made last year I realized I wanted to make more specific goals that I could actually accomplish. So, without further ado here they are.   1. More Organized in my Daily Life: I created cute meal plans for the next two weeks with the help of my mom. I really love doing this, not only do I know I am helping my family. but I also am learning important skills for later in my life. I also created daily to-do list templates that puts my whole day into one piece of paper. Needless to say I have had a lot of fun on Pinterest these last few days. 2, Get my Workouts in:  My passion, ballet requires a level of physical strength and the only way to get better and stronger is with consistent practice and working out. This coming year I really want to ...