Idol might be a strong word but we all have someone we idolize, someone we want to be like someone we love and admire. It might even be multiple people and this person might change as we get older.
When I was little I mimicked my mom and my mom's friend Sarah. When we would do anything I would try to parent my dolls just like they would us kids. I also tried to act like some of the older girls I knew and liked. I also would pretend to be whatever I was into, princesses, Laura Ingells, Nancy Drew, Marcia Brady, Anne of Green Gables and so many others.
Now that I am a little bit older I have others I look up too, there is a lady in our church who is a beautiful christ loving woman, a fantastic wife and mother, and has a surperb, classy fashion sense who I really look up too. I still look up to my mom, grandmothers, and other important, amazing women that have blessed my life.
The thing is, everyone in your life is going to influence you a little bit or sometimes a big bit and there are things you can learn from everyone. The one major problem I have to constantly be asking God to help me with is to accept all people for who the are and not assume anything, chances are you will be wrong when you do this.
Another key thing on this topic is you are a role model to somebody. This has really been on my heart lately as I look around at all the little kids God has graciously placed in my life and I often have to do some reflection and make sure that I am setting a good example. This requires constant prayer and asking God to help you keep your focous on him so the people around you see his light through you.
Bottom line is God has given you an amazing life with amazing people, go meet them and celebrate being alive in the beauty of creation.
Erika and Madame Blueberry The last few months have been crazy busy, full of adventures and the like. It would take forever to tell you everything that has happened, but I will attempt an overview. Since April I was a stage manager to an amazing show called The Lonesome West . I learned so much from the actors I worked with and the experience to produce theatre in the back of a records shop. Soon after the show closed I took my finals, loaded up my Cadillac (named Madame Blueberry) and left Ellensburg for the summer. I only had a few days to unload my college boxes and reload Madame Blueberry for my summer job. Camp Lutherhaven Camp Lutherhaven! What an incredible, God arranged summer. There were days I wondered if I was up for the job, but the people I met and the experiences we shared were irreplaceable. When I was at college I made a comment to my mom that all I had to focus and worry about was me and how easy it was to only be concerned about myself...
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