I had a fantastic Christmas, I don't know about you. I was so blest by gifts, cards, IM, and spending time with family. I always kind of have this let down feeling when it's over, I love Christmas so much that I want it to last forever. But it wouldn't be as special if it was everyday. That got me thinking what makes it special?
Christmas morning brings anticipation, icy air warmed by a fire, krinkling of paper, laughter and smiles at the conclusion of surprises, baking of cardomen bread, hot coffee brewing, more aromas arising from the kitchen as the meal starts being made. By the afternoon everyone has gathered together to celebrate with more gifts and laughter, filling your appetite with the luscious meal that has been slaved over. The evening is spent reminiscing and playing with the new gadgets.
Then when you end the day were you started it snug in your bed you might reminisce all the way back to the first Christmas where there was a young girl about my age who's world changed she got engaged and was bearing a child as a virgin.
The trials she must have encountered, the faith she must have had to deliver my savior, to deliver the man who saved my life. In my mind she is the most important woman in the world and that day when a little baby boy was born in a stable to save the lifes of millions was the best Christmas there ever was.
That's what makes Christmas special to me. Comment what makes Christmas special to you below!
Erika and Madame Blueberry The last few months have been crazy busy, full of adventures and the like. It would take forever to tell you everything that has happened, but I will attempt an overview. Since April I was a stage manager to an amazing show called The Lonesome West . I learned so much from the actors I worked with and the experience to produce theatre in the back of a records shop. Soon after the show closed I took my finals, loaded up my Cadillac (named Madame Blueberry) and left Ellensburg for the summer. I only had a few days to unload my college boxes and reload Madame Blueberry for my summer job. Camp Lutherhaven Camp Lutherhaven! What an incredible, God arranged summer. There were days I wondered if I was up for the job, but the people I met and the experiences we shared were irreplaceable. When I was at college I made a comment to my mom that all I had to focus and worry about was me and how easy it was to only be concerned about myself...
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