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Showing posts from March, 2015

Who Is Your Idol?

   Idol might be a strong word but we all have someone we idolize, someone we want to be like someone we love and admire. It might even be multiple people and this person might change as we get older.      When I was little I mimicked my mom and my mom's friend Sarah. When we would do anything I would try to parent my dolls just like they would us kids. I also tried to act like some of the older girls I knew and liked. I also would pretend to be whatever I was into, princesses, Laura Ingells, Nancy Drew, Marcia Brady, Anne of Green Gables and so many others.       Now that I am a little bit older I have others I look up too,  there is a lady in our church who is a beautiful christ loving woman, a fantastic wife and mother, and has a surperb, classy fashion sense who I really look up too. I still look up to my mom, grandmothers, and other important, amazing women that have blessed my life.       The t...