Let me start by saying this blog post was not in anyway shape or form inspired by current events or the news. However, it can be applied to the way society often acts. This blog post was inspired by a personal experience that lead to some self-reflection and opened up some wonderful conversations with friends. Proverbs 15:4 “Gentle words bring life and health; a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit.” Words can be so destructive. One side comment, one gossip conversation, one social media post, even one look can hurt someone. The action may take a few seconds or it could be longer, either way, the pain is still there. So why do we find a need to bring other people down? Why as a sibling did we intentionally say something to hurt our brother or sister? Why do we find ourselves talking negatively about someone? What does any of that accomplish? Does it make us feel better about ourselves? Maybe in the moment, we stop thinking about our own insecurities a...
Country, Jesus, Family, Dreams, Adventure!