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Showing posts from August, 2017

Summer Update: College Preparation, Silverwood, and Sunshine!

A Family photo on our  Marble Creek trip This summer has been amazing. Full of new adventures such as my first solo road trip to Ellensburg. Time with friends before we take off on to new adventures. Camping trips with the family, Skyfest at Fairchild Air force Base. Tons of reading and just enjoying summer.  The pictures got out of order and I am not sure how to fix it so here we go. Our family has enjoyed a couple chances to get out and go camping this summer. We did one back in June to Marble Creek. It was after a week of VBA (Vacation Bible Adventures) a few of us were pretty tired, but I don't think we are ever too tired to go camping. We went exploring up a short trail that went to, played in the river and went for a drive on some of the back roads. It was really nice to spend some time altogether. Mom and James even worked in some hiking into the end of the trip. Family gathered around reading Patrick McManus Stories  Tired after a week of VBA ...

Meet Riley!

 Hey, so you remember all those posts I did in July? Yeah, me either....I am sorry guys. Summer has been great! Full of adventures and fun. We had our VBS, celebrated the 4th, I had my college orientation (a hopeful future post), we went camping, and enjoyed many days outside in the sunshine. Along with all these fun summer activities, there has been an addition to our family.     Everyone, meet Riley! A fun-loving, three-year-old, German Sheppard. She came to us through Spokanimal, but she is originally from LA. There, she was found on the streets and had just had puppies. We don't know what happened to the puppies but are thrilled to have her in our family. Riley loves grass absolutely loves it. She rolls around in it all the time and wants to be outside as much as she can. So far, she has loved everyone she has ever been around. The first day we got her we had our VBS team and a couple guys came over and she loved them. Last week we had twenty band kids over for a c...