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Showing posts from October, 2016

Erika's Fall Bucket List

  Fall is fabulous, let's just state that right from the beginning. I totally blame and thank my mother for my admiration with fall. Not only is it sweater weather and pumpkin everything heaven! I am also blown away every year by the artwork of our God. He paints our world with colors I can't begin to even try and name. Each spec is unique and beautiful.    I have kinda always seen it as, God being a gentleman trying to woo his sweetheart, earth. Yes, I know I am completely and utterly insane. I also know that it probably makes no sense to anyone, but me. Yet, that is how I see it and it makes me happy to think of it that way so there you go.   Moving on, every season I have a list of goals or things I want to do with that season. It is my way of maximizing the most of every moment and fall is no exception. So without further ado, my list of things to do for  Fall 2016! 1. Make Homemade Apple Cider I am hoping to accomplish this bucket list g...

Rainy Thoughts

After spending all weekend trying to come up with a decent blog post, I think I am just going to go for simple. A simple encouraging post. A post to let all the other people who sometimes feel like there is something wrong with them or that they don't quite fit into the mold they are suppose to, that you are loved.  I forget to ask God for direction in my life. I end up feeling terrible because my life isn't on the same course as all the other people. I get sucked into all the meaningless, pointless goals that make us "good people." In the age of social media and all the other technology it is easy to think you are defined by your number of instagram followers, how many likes your latest Facebook post got, how amazing your boyfriend/girlfriend is, how "on-point" your make-up and hair is in this one selfie or if you own all the top name brand stuff. Those things are empty, they hold no meaning. I love social media as much as the next teenager, but I am ti...