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Showing posts from September, 2015

Happy Birthday Sweet Sixteen!

  Well, on Tuesday I am officially sixteen.  At my birthday last year my mom said that we needed to do something big for my sixteenth and that is when she suggested that we do a ball. I was hesitant at first, I didn't think anyone would do it. But I liked the idea a lot and decided to do it. I am so glad I did. Friday night was one of the best nights ever.    I had so many friends that came. I was really blessed by them. We had dance lessons, tons of food. My dear friend Abby Michelsen and her family made me cupcakes and Mom created a beautiful birthday cake.   The whole night was kind of dreamy. One of those dreams you know your going to wake up at, but you don't really want too. As I sat after all my dear friends had left. I smiled. I am grateful that God put everyone of them in my life. Times are changing and we are growing up. We are moving on to the next stage in life. God has exciting plans for all of us.    Some face graduation this coming ye...

Take It To The Lord In Prayer......And Breathe!

 When do you say "I can't take on anything else right now?" How do you learn to say it? How do you chose what to cut out and what to take on? When faced with a decision of what the best option is, how do you know? Obviously the first step is to pray and ask God for direction. But have you ever been so confused, with so many thoughts in your head you have no idea what you are really praying for?  It is so amazing to me that God knows what I need, how I need it, when I need it. He shuts the doors I need shut even if I am pawing at them to stay open. He drags me away like my mom used to do when I wanted something in the store when I was two. Just like me mom knew that candy would ruin my dinner. God knows that, that door isn't where I need to be.  I hate saying no to things. I want to be able to do it all, sometimes I can I just have to re-arrange priorities.  Like letting go of my perfectly organized plan day. I have silly ideas that it would be so much better for me...

Back To School

As we head into the school year or have just started the school year, I thought it would be fun to do a post on school related things. I have been thinking about education a lot lately as I begin my Junior year on Tuesday, there are so many roads ahead, end of high school, beginning college searches. I sometimes forget that I AM still in high school. I have always been one of those to hurry and get to where I want to be types of people. I am also one of those I always am thinking to whats ahead types of people too.  This can be fine in moderation I suppose, however I sometimes forget what is in front of me, the moment I am living right now. Life goes by to quickly to not notice the adventures before you. My mom had this picture hanging by my desk one year that said "Education is a journey, not a race" it is so true and I think about that quote a lot now, even though I rolled my eyes at it when she hung it on my side of the school room.  Now as I look on ahead I realize that...